The Coffee Shop

Our current Holler Roast blend includes beans from Brazil and Colombia. It's rich,...
When you want deep coffee flavor without the zing, reach for this product....
Travel the world of coffee: take our 12-month tour. Each month, you receive...
Travel the world of coffee: take our 12-month tour. Each month, you receive...
From the country that discovered coffee, try Ethiopia Yirgacheffe. Legend has it that...
Here’s a winning combination: Holler Roast coffee with its own mug that keeps...
Here’s a winning combination: Holler Roast coffee with its own mug. Make it...
Spirit Cooled coffee is inspired by the Vietnamese street roasting method of cooling...
Not quite sure what to order? Here are two collections of wonderful coffee:...
Coffee from Colombia may be the first varietal most of us met. This...
This Rwandan coffee grows at high altitude overlooking Lake Kivu. It is washed...
We found a little farm in Brazil that consistently produces a bean we’re...
We worked for more than a year with Patrick Roehrman of MT Knives...
From India, the sixth largest producer of arabica coffee, get ready for Monsooned...
Meet beans with both depth of flavor and a smooth touch. Origin: Sumatra,...
Meet beans with both depth of flavor and a smooth touch. Origin: La...
Jack's Bourbon Cooled Sumatran beans were carefully chosen for depth of flavor and...
The Tactical Redneck installed our first commercial roaster. He loves Holler Roast coffee....
You never know what you'll taste when you buy Buckét Blend: each package...
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