Entries by Lani

The Best of Days

That’s what the poet Catullus called the feast of Saturnalia.

Two Fine Men

In November, we honor the memories of combat veterans in several ways: Darkhorse 25 becomes the coffee of the month. We briefly outline the lives and abrupt deaths of members of the 3/5 25: more than two dozen Marines from the Darkhorse Battalion killed within a few short months in Afghanistan in 2010 and 2011. […]

A Passion for Coffee

The 2022 CoopeAgri Don Claudio coffee, for the first time, was accepted into the Cup of Excellence competition, a landmark for the cooperative.

In the Heat of August

Give cold-brewed coffee a try! Make a jarful this evening and enjoy it the morning.

Seasonal Cause and Effect

A single glance at Monsooned Malabar coffee beans tells you they are unique. Before roasting, they are creamy yellow to yellowy cream instead of the usual pale-to-medium green. Their average size is another giveaway: bigger. These Catimor Arabica beans have been painstakingly handled to recreate a 19th-century accident.

Coffee and Bottles to Outdoor Apparel

Coalatree makes outdoor clothing from spent coffee grounds and plastic bottles. They’re a smallish company in Utah that sells directly to the consumer – that’s their fundamental business model – but also sells to Europe and through a few international chain stores.

Elder Brothers

The Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco, and Kankuamo believe that the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia is the beating heart of the world: what happens there happens everywhere. They are the Elder Brothers.

Creative Family; Fine Creations

Patrick Roehrman makes outstanding – and very sharp – knives. He also drinks quantities of coffee, preferring java from Indonesia but perfectly willing to drink strong, quality brew.

Cooling It

Sweet Vanilla Cooled For centuries people first had to roast their morning drink – in a pan over open flame – before grinding and brewing.

Underdog to Champion

While neighbors Nicaragua and Guatemala have long occupied peaks of success in the coffee industry, Honduras has only recently earned recognition for the quality of its coffee.

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