Cold Brewed Coffee
Summer has arrived, even though the calendar dictates that we wait another few weeks to declare it so. Here in Tennessee, things have really heated up and hot coffee is sounding a little less appealing. Still, we hear the siren call of that rich mouthfeel and tasty brew. What can we do?
Sure, iced coffee is good, but why not try something that doesn’t inject heat and humidity into the house? That’s right: cold brew.
Cold brewed coffee is made by combining coarsely ground beans with cold – yep, you heard it right – COLD water and brewing it for 12 – 24 hours without adding heat. The resulting cold-brewed coffee is a tasty summer treat, perfect for hot mornings and lazy afternoons.
To help you out, we will soon offer handy, cold-brew packaging for those who are not confident about their grinding skills.
How do I make cold brew?
Just mix water and ground coffee and wait.
If you want something more specific, use ¼ cup grounds to 1 quart of water. Then let it sit at room temperature (unless your room is too hot) for 8 – 12 hours and finish it off in the fridge for another 12 hours. Strain the grounds from the water and serve cold.
What container should I use for cold brew?
Any water-capable container will work. We recommend wide-mouth Mason jars because they are easy to handle, but there are cold brew accessories that can make the whole process easier. If you have a French Press, use it! The strainer is built in and the carafe makes a fabulous cold brew container.
Can I brew entirely in my fridge?
Yes, an alternative way to make cold brew is to mix the grounds and water and leave it in the refrigerator for 24 – 48 hours, then strain. The only difference is that colder water takes longer to extract the coffee.
How do you strain the grounds from the water?
A fine-mesh kitchen strainer works well to strain grounds – or use your French Press both to brew and strain. Coffee filters tend to get clogged, but if you have a reusable coffee filter in your drip coffeemaker, it will work well.
Use a cold brew strainer like this with a wide-mouth Mason jar. When it has brewed long enough, simply pull out the strainer, discard the grounds, and clean the filter for the next batch.
How much ground coffee do I need?
How much is a car? Or a dress? It depends on how strong your like your coffee. Start with ¼ cup of grounds per quart and adjust from there.
Will cold brew trigger my acid reflux?
Not as much at heat-brewed coffee does!
What kind of coffee works best for cold brew?
Just kidding. We prefer a freshly, craft-roasted bean. But then we would, wouldn’t we? I mean, that is what we do here at Holler Roast Coffee. That said, the Bolivian and Holler Roast House Blend work great for cold brew.
Is it safe to brew at room temperature?
Great question. It is possible for “things” to grow while you brew at room temperature – eventually. We have never had an issue with 8 – 12 hours at about 72 degrees, but we do make our cold brew in the fridge, leaving water longer on the grounds, when the house is above 75. Make your best judgment.
Give freely and easily
This month, Holler Roast steps into new territory. We invite you to join us and support a small community of Rwandan female coffee growers by trying their coffee. The bourbon cultivar bean makes a lovely brew: light and crisp for the hot days of summer, with aromas of Earl Grey, jasmine, and lemongrass. It’s Fair Trade certified.
The Bourbon varietal of Arabica coffee we sell was grown within a limited area in Rwanda by an agricultural and processing cooperative consisting in large part of women heads of households. They do business through Bateraninkunga ba Sholi (“Sholi,” or “mutual assistance”) Cooperative.
For every pound of Café Femenino Rwanda FT purchased, Holler Roast will send $1 to Café Femenino Foundation to support a project in Rwanda that offers area adults education in sustainable agriculture, nutrition, business, and home health. Households receive a high-potency nutritional supplement for infants and small children, school supply kits and text books, and breeding animals – goats and cows.